What school district is Oakwood in?
1. Cleveland Heights-University Heights
2. South Euclid-Lyndhurst
3. Half South Euclid and half Cleveland Heights
If you answered #1 you are correct!
ALL of Oakwood and ALL of Cedar Center is in the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District.
South Euclid city officials say they want to rezone Oakwood to bring money into their city.
NO PROPERTY TAXES on Oakwood or Cedar Center will go to the South Euclid school district.
67.5% of all the property taxes paid by Oakwood and Cedar Center go to the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District.
You can check it out for yourself at this link or by reading the attachment to this email.
The cities of South Euclid and Cleveland Heights are bound together.
“Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no man put asunder.” John F. Kennedy (May 17, 1961)
Oppose the rezoning of Oakwood.
Develop Cedar Center NOT Oakwood.
All the more reason to develop Oakwood. How much will CHUH schools get if Oakwood is a park? Nada. CHUH schools will get the whole cut if Oakwood is developed, SE and CH portions. CHUH schools need all the help they can get. Pity the poor kids in the lower SW corner of SE who have to go there.
And South Euclid will get income taxes from people employed at Oakwood Commons. True, these are not the best jobs. But who can afford to be picky these days?