10. School levies are how we fund public schools in Ohio. Nobody likes it and it’s not even constitutional but it’s the only way districts can meet rising costs associated with natural inflation.
9. The district has LESS money than it had in 2011, when we passed the last levy. The state has cut funding by $2M this year, and we lose an additional $1M to charter schools each year.
8. The district has consistently been rated by the State of Ohio as being EXCELLENT stewards of taxpayer money. Scott Gainer was named the single BEST CFO of any public school district, non-profit organization or governmental agency in Northeast Ohio.
7. Administrative costs have NOT risen by 52%, a lie being spread by the opposition. The district had 42 administrators in 2011 and 38 in 2014; a reduction of 9%. Facts matter.
6. The district has cut $3M from its budget while still protecting classroom instruction. We had 486 teachers in 2011 and 481 in 2014, a reduction of just 1%.
5. Passage of this levy protects the value of your home. No one wants to live in a community without strong schools.
4. Public education is a cornerstone of our society and our democracy. We cannot be a strong community or a strong nation without well-funded, effective and engaging schools educating the citizens of tomorrow.
3. There are people on the other side who’ve said things on social media like, “Why should WE have to pay to educate THOSE children?” We cannot let hate win in this community. That is NOT who we are.
2. Our schools are educating ALL of our students. According to the State’s Value Added scores, we are doing a BETTER job at showing academic growth for all subgroups of students than Shaker, Solon, Beachwood, Lakewood or Hudson. This is INCREDIBLE and we should be shouting it from the rooftops!
And, the number 1 reason why everyone should vote FOR our schools on Tuesday is actually another 5,500 reasons. The opposition always accuses us of making campaigns “about the kids.” But we’re talking about public schools here; of course it’s about the kids. It’s about every child who walks into our buildings, whether they are black or white, rich or poor. Whether they’ve bounced around in five different school districts in three years or have been in the Heights since birth. Whether they’re identified as gifted or with severe disabilities. Whether they are angry and filled with doubt or eager and filled with hope. EVERY child is worth our investment; EVERY child deserves your vote.
Looks like you need a new list.