We have some news for you from the GEARITY EARTH PROTECTORS of the 4th grade. We asked people at the school to turn off their lights in their classrooms today (if they could).
We figured out that if every classroom turned their lights off all day long we would save 102 hours of electricity. We saved thirteen hours and 15 minutes of power. We think this will help us save lots of coal in Ohio. Why? Here’s why: we’re saving coal because we don’t want factories to burn it, If they burn it it will send pollution up into the air. We want to stop global warming too and we know that burning less coal will help.
Tomorrow we’re asking everyone to pack his or her own lunch. We figure this will help the earth too. First off, we will use less stryofoam plates which are really bad for the earth. Second, kids will eat some really healthy food which can’t hurt us either.
Well, that’s all from the 4th grade EARTH PROTECTORS OF GEARITY SCHOOL!
See you tomorrow!
EP’S (Earth Protectors)
These are great ideas! Thanks for sharing them!