Hello No Impacters,
Looks like I missed a few days; but today is Give Back Day. Energy day went pretty well and water day was surprisingly hard; since water day lived up to its name and brought the rainy weather, I was forced to not shower, flush the toilet or wash my clothes, you can imagine how much my girlfriend wanted to hang out with me.
What a wonderful experience this week was. I learned so much about myself and my behavior due to all the challenges, I also learned about the tangible things in my life that are important and the ones that aren’t so much. To be honest, I kind of thought these challenges were gonna be a breeze, although it wasn’t quite the commitment Colin Beavan made, I now have a good understanding how tough it is to try to live sustainably in a world that relies on convenience.
Giving back can be so many things in a community; helping out neighbors, going to a city council meeting, voting this November, buying local, clean up after yourself and exemplify it, the possibilities are endless. Cleveland Heights and University Heights are great cities and have an opportunity to progress, but that will only only come if we see the support that we saw for No Impact Week; a small movement but one with great momentum.
Thank you to all that participated, don’t forget to head down to the Lee road library tomorrow afternoon to share your experiences. Remember, No Impact doesn’t have to stop today, whatever worked for you during the week should be implemented into your routines, everyone will benefit. Thanks again to all of you, and especially to the curator, Sarah Wean, she Is a awesome, tough, and kick-ass lady.
Aw, thanks Max! I’d like to thank you for allowing us to watch your No Impact progress this week, and making it real. Your participation made this week an even greater success.
For the record, we had over 200 people registered for No Impact Week challenges, and another 150 attended the events. Over 350 people were engaged in living sustainably in the Heights this week, including a girl scout troop and a 4th grade class. This was beyond our wildest expectations.
Sarah Wean