Why consumption?
As an American living in the suburbs of Cleveland, it is quite hard to not purchase one or more things in a single day. I think about my morning cup of tea; disposable cup and lid, tea bag, tea bag packaging. Sure, it’s only breakfast and it’s only a cup of tea but what about the rest of the day and the things that I think I will need throughout. How much am I going to consume today?
Think of the first garbage pickup after Christmas day. Every tree lawn is piled high with cardboard boxes, bags full of wrapping paper, left over fruit cake, and the old toys that got replaced and ask yourself “Where does all that stuff go? “ It’s the same every other day of the year; we consume and throw out with most of us oblivious to where the packaging goes and what effect it has on us. I promise not to preach throughout this week but I do urge everyone who is participating in this No Impact Week to think. Think about your normal routine and analyze how it can be made more sustainable and what kind of difference it can make in your life and in your community.
Consumption is the perfect way to start off No Impact Week; it’s the catalyst of getting the participant to think: “What do I really need?” “How much do I need?” and “what can I do?” As all of you No-Impact-people venture off into this week, make sure you keep in mind the community and what you do affects all those around you; shop at a thrift store, organize your recycling, ride your bike to work or school, car pool, get groceries from local and regional farmers, turn your lights off, be conscious of your water consumption, and above all, give something back to your community.
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