Many things are happening. Often this linked page is behind on the details, but it is the most official source. Attend meetings to be current.(62 are coming as known so far)
By early June 2014 the definition of what the refurbished HH should do is to be complete. This is the most crucial stage to get the right curriculum and building and grounds functions settled. No small task. Words to describe every room, closet, hall, wall, roof, parking, and field will be written down.
June through early September is when sketches, that describe the size and location of all the rooms (spaces) and equipment of the building and grounds, are made. One can still adjust some things as this design documentation unfolds.
Starting in September 2014, for 3-4 months, the construction drawings are to be made. Design is frozen as each drawing is completed. These drawings are the basis for final costing and contractor bidding to take place perhaps starting in February 2015. Early Spring is seen as the most cost effective time for contractors to do bidding and negotiating for work to start in June 2015.
If you have concerns about the quality of the outcome, please raise them now, as our two communities’ futures may well rise or fall with the quality of this effort. There has been no bigger capital investment in our district than now, perhaps this is bigger than any project in the history of either of the cities of UH or CH.
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