I don’t know about you, but as far as that lamb thing goes this month, I want it in writing. I’ve felt the winter blahs long enough, and can see that the snowdrops and crocus are beginning to show their agreement.
Not long after moving back to Cleveland from Austin in 1996, and moving into a new house, I decided to hit Sears and check out the snowblowers. It was the right time to do so because it looked like the whole of the display floor was devoted to snowblowers. And there were a lot of people checking them out. I was a bit overwhelmed, but was determined to give it my best try. I wasn’t there long before I recognized my neighbor from across the street. The store was humming with snowblower activity, and though I was a relative newcomer to our street, it was pretty easy for us to connect amid the hubbub.
We began chatting about the abundance of options to chose from, and before long agreed that instead of buying two snowblowers, by pooling resources we could buy one much better snowblower and share it between us. And that’s what we did.
It helped cement in me as a new neighbor a positive sense of how I live in a great neighborhood with neighbors who look out for each other. We often voluntarily clear snow from others’ walks, actually chat in person (more so when the weather obliges), and share resources like snowblowers and garden tillers. You can see the well-cut arc of my neighbor’s cleared side walk in the lower right of the image.
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