When my boyfriend and I bought our house, one of the first things that we did was to replace all of the lightbulbs with energy efficient ones. We received the free energy efficient lightbulbs from the First Energy program. We also bought energy efficient appliances for the house.
Because we both work full time and most days I do not get home until after 7PM, our use of home computers, television, etc. is largely limited to the weekends. This is just our lifestyle and we don’t intentionally read instead of watch TV in order to save energy. It’s just an activity we enjoy doing together, that just so happens to help us save money and energy.
I bought a small desk lamp for my office because the flourescent lights are very overwhelming and creates a terrible glare on my computer. My office is generally illuminated by natural light (I fortunately have a lovely office with huge windows overlooking University Circle) or my desk lamp.
Some people might go the ultimate length and get completely off the grid, but for me and my lifestyle I think the tactics I currently use are enough. More power to those who go the extra mile.
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